Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Valentine Day 2023 - In Love With Victoria BC


Loving Victoria! Wow! Since my latest post I hiked 1000 kms across Spain and Portugal; went on a spiritual expedition to the Amazon in Peru; flew to Katmandhu and trekked the Annapurna Range in Nepal; toured the entirety of Vancouver Island; planned a trip to Egypt and Jordan, which did not happen; and then made it through the "Covid Years".  Now, here I am, back at home in the beautiful city of Victoria, where I love and enjoy the exquisite weather, ocean, parks, wildlife and sun. Feeling so fortunate to be here, healthy and happy.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

My Amazing Son Matthew!

It was great to visit with Matthew, to listen to his exciting dreams, to hear the details of all the goals he's focused on, to meet his new co-workers, and to share our experiences of the past year. What fun! We enjoyed a wonderful dinner meeting together. I have so much unconditional love for my son and I'm proud that I have guided him to grow into the kind young man that he is.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Northern Journey

After a year away, I was shocked and saddened to see the dried up forests in northern BC. The pine beetle has turned our once-green forests to red, healthy trees are sparse, and the forest floor is a hot bed of fire-starter waiting to explode. It's devastating. I could feel the trees crying and I, too, wanted to cry.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Studio 26 Photography

I've neglected my blog. I've been busy testing and shooting at the studio and adjusting schedules to keep everything else running smoothly. It helps that I can keep training. I'm grateful that I've established early, early morning workouts at the gym, so getting up at 4:30 is now routine. The weather is wonderful so I've added more sprinting and running to my regular workouts; but, I do enjoy a good run in the rain. About to go and get another run in today!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Loren Greig Group of Companies

It makes sense to have an umbrella company for all that I do and market it under Loren Greig Group of Companies. It simplifies things, combining it all to create one unit and bringing a focus to business. I like that.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Brrrr! It snowed in the night. I was surprised and disappointed that it did it late in the night, when we all were sleeping and couldn't see it happening - it just "sneaked down" and left a film of winter over everything. It's supposed to be spring with abundant new blossoms and weather warm enough to shed winter coats. Brrrr.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Studio 26 Photography

Today I'm a happy member of WPPI - a very big family, of excited, creative, artistic and inspiring people. It's fun!